Save the 185/186 bus

High Peak Buses have announced they are conducting a review of the 185/186 bus service. Their proposal involves cutting off Harpur Hill from the bus route.

The service has been increasingly unreliable partly due to driver shortages and congestion from the many roadworks around Buxton recently. As a result, the bus has often run very late or not run at all, leaving many local residents stranded and caused children to be repeatedly late for school.

This has led to falling passenger numbers and the service struggling to cover its operating costs. High Peak Buses have now announced that they will be reviewing the 185/186 bus.

The 185/186 is a vital lifeline for many Buxton residents, especially in Fairfield and Harpur Hill. With all the new houses being built in the area, I believe it would be a big mistake to review as service based on passenger numbers during a period of disruption, especially after I successfully secured an additional £47million of Government funding for a local Bus Improvement Plan.

We must not get into a vicious circle of an unreliable service causing falling passenger numbers causing service reductions causing further falling passenger numbers causing further service reductions.

Please join me by showing your support for the continuation of the service by signing my petition below.

Let’s work together to improve our local public transport! 

Save the 185/186 bus