The University of Derby have submitted an application to convert High Peak Halls in Buxton into a large-scale Asylum Dispersal Centre.
The application has gone to High Peak Borough Council.
Derbyshire Police have said that the location would be “unsuitable” and have said that “persons with existing vulnerabilities would be put at risk” if an Asylum Dispersal Centre were to open at the Buxton town centre site.
Robert Largan MP is supporting Derbyshire Police and is opposing the plans.
He has also launched a special online survey, asking residents to give their views on the plans and on the Government’s plans to tackle illegal migration.
The survey can be completed at
Robert Largan, MP for High Peak, commented:
“I’m supporting our local police and opposing these plans. Buxton town centre is the wrong place for a large-scale Asylum Dispersal Centre.”
“But this is just a symptom of a much wider problem. Last year, some 45,000 people illegally entered the UK by small boat. All travelled through multiple safe countries in which they could have claimed asylum.
“That’s why I’m supporting the Government’s Illegal Migration Bill to fix our broken asylum system, get control of our borders and stop the boats.”