Local MP Robert Largan has co-signed a letter to the Chancellor, the Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP, with 74 other Conservative parliamentary colleagues, calling for a reduced Beer Duty rate on draught beer, helping the hospitality and brewing industries to recover and promote this uniquely British product.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Government has provided substantial support to hospitality businesses. However, not all businesses have received the full benefit of these measures. For example, ‘wet-led pubs’ have not been affected by the VAT cut, but still have to cope with the costs of Covid-19.
The joint letter calls for a specific Draught Beer Duty at a reduced rate. This would be a direct and specific way of targeting pubs, clubs and bars. It would be a simple and easy measure to administer. As 98 per cent of all draught beer drunk in the UK is also brewed domestically, this tax change would overwhelmingly affect the UK.
This builds on the recent push from the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) on this issue. Although Beer Duty was frozen for 2021-22 in the recent Budget, it remains one of the highest rates in Europe. Creating a specific rate for draught beer would create a level playing field between supermarkets and pubs, clubs and bars.
The Treasury is currently considering its response to the Alcohol Duty Review.
Robert Largan MP commented:
“We are really lucky to have so many brilliant pubs in the High Peak. I know that publicans have been going above and beyond to help their communities despite the pressures on their business during this crisis. That is why I am backing this tax cut.
“Cutting the tax on draught beer would be a massive boost for High Peak pubs, clubs and bars as they start to recover from the pandemic. This will support jobs locally, but also have huge social benefits as people begin to reconnect after lockdown.”