Local MP Robert Largan is urging residents to share their views on the Council’s Future High Street Fund proposals for Buxton.
In December, the Government awarded £6.6million to regenerate Buxton town centre as part of the Future High Streets Fund.
The Government launched the £675 million Future High Streets Fund in 2018. The fund aims to renew and reshape town centres and high streets in a way that drives growth, improves the experience, and ensures future sustainability.
Buxton’s proposals include the possibility of a town centre gym and a cinema, new cafes and restaurants, office workspace and a new home for Buxton & Leek College, as well as new housing.
A new pedestrian route would link the town centre to the station and the proposed new health hub on the old water bottling plant site. There would be improvements to the public realm and historic shop fronts on Spring Gardens (delivered by a supplementary £1m Heritage Action Zone scheme which the Government has already funded).
The High Peak MP has previously expressed some concerns about the proposals, as have groups such as Buxton Civic Association, and urged the Council to listen carefully to residents and fine-tune the proposals.
The Council have now launched a consultation to seek people’s views.
The consultation can be filled in online www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/6V6PHBT.
More information about the proposals can be found online www.highpeak.gov.uk/FHSFBuxton.
The consultation will be open until noon on 15 February.
Robert Largan MP commented:
“I’ve called on the Council to listen to local people and businesses and fine-tune their proposals as part of the bid.
“I’m pleased that the Council have now launched a consultation to get more views on the bid. I strongly encourage everyone to share their views.
“It’s really important that we make the most of this opportunity. Let’s work together to make Buxton and the High Peak even better.”