Local MP Robert Largan has today launched the High Peak Hero awards.
The Glossop resident and High Peak MP has called for people to nominate those who they feel have ‘gone above and beyond’ to help others during the current crisis.
Robert Largan MP said:
“The current crisis is making life more difficult for so many people, but it’s heart-warming to see that it’s bringing out the best in the people of High Peak.
“We all know someone who selflessly goes out of their way to help others through this, without seeking any recognition for their efforts.
“I believe these people - these community champions who are going above and beyond – deserve recognition for what they’re doing, so if you know if you know of people who are doing extraordinary things to help others, I want to hear about them.”
You can nominate your High Peak Hero online at www.robertlargan.co.uk/highpeakheroes